Wednesday 21 July 2010


For my first blog I'm going to talk about Alpha. I would have loved to say "Alpha Male" but sadly times have changed (Just joking... partially). Alpha, the position held by the most powerful or influential character in a hierarchy.
In nature the alpha animal is usually that of greater physical attributes, though in some cases it's the eldest member of the group. In a few of our communities these two factors still define the alpha individuals, though to a lesser extent in most areas of the community, and ignored almost completely in some cases.
In nature, packs of wolves often consist of the alpha male and alpha female, the only two allowed to breed, who are usually the eldest pair and posses greatest physical prowess, with 4 to 5 subordinate members of mixed gender, this most closely resembles the ordinary family unit, where the parents are in charge of the family, and have control over all the members (it's very primal that rule about waiting till the eldest member of the family arrives at the table before you can eat, but, sometimes being a bit primitive makes sense). The eldest having control is usually taken as the rule in most human communities, prior to the invent of "the curse". This is reflected in the hierarchy of the tribal system, where the eldest would often be the chief or the leader. The physical attributes would be important only when selecting a new chief who would, under ordinary circumstances, not be challenged.
Chimpanzees, "the most similar animal to man" have a hierarchy similar to the tribal system, but with the alpha male being challenged more often than not, and being forced to maintain his position on a regular basis. I read (on one rare occasion that I did read something) about a chimpanzee, who frightened the other chimpanzees into submission with empty gas tanks made of metal, the noise they made was frightening and amazing to the other chimpanzees. That story made me wonder about the first human who had discovered fire, how he must have amazed and frightened the other clan members, how he must have been idolized. We as humans, are amazed, and we like to be amazed, if we didn't we wouldn't allow our selves to be. In fact most of our thirst for knowledge comes from this desire to be amazed, and more importantly the desire to amaze.
The power to amaze, this wonderful power gives you the same power as that can rolling chimpanzee and the inventor of fire. The power to amaze and astonish, it has replaced the need to be physically dominant, and the need to be an elder. The power to amaze, has become easy to obtain, if you find it easy to obtain "the curse". The curse, is the currency, the moolah, that monay! Now, with the curse at hand, you have the world at hand, the more of the curse, the more power. Those who have less of it, become subordinate, those with the most become the alpha.
Kings, Lords, Emperors, most of these characters ruled by the curse and by keeping the curse by introducing a new form of selection of alpha male, lineage. Lineage, keeping it in the family dominant behaviours are taught to the members of that family chest out (to give the appearance of a larger body) and a raised head because a lowered head denotes submissiveness, while the subjects are forced to display submissive behaviour bowing before, not speaking to and with time not allowed to meet with the Alpha individual.
Now the family unit, is not supported by the strongest or the eldest, but by the member who obtains the most currency. One of the few places with the primal primitive behaviour is the playground, where the bullies will still be Alpha if they are able to "whoop yo ass". Sadly even this is starting to disappear, as people are being exposed to more and more media showing how the rich "rule the school" and how the coolness of a kid (and you know how powerful coolness can be) is measured by the gadgets he has and how amazing and astonishing they are to the other children.
Another sad thing, is how we are dictated what is cool, what is astonishing and what is amazing. This creates the opportunity for pseudo alpha positions, which are positions of admiration, but little or no power. For example, the world of celebrity, which has us all amazed in submissiveness to the flashing lights, sparkling gowns and the gossip, but how many people would do Paris Hiltons' bidding (with the degree of stupidity these days... that's quite a silly question).
The alpha individual position is now determined by the amount of the curse one is able to amass, the curse can buy you power and if it can't buy you power, it can buy you powerful friends, the curse is what determines which direction society drifts or ,in reality, is dragged. There is no cure for the curse, and the curse is not a cure since only those ruthless enough are able to obtain large amounts of the curse in this current society. Alpha, whence, is a position for the ruthless, as it has always been in nature...But humanity has always challenged nature, I'm hoping the next Alpha male to rise with his words and actions and not with the curse, isn't assassinated.

I started this blog because i want to educate myself, writing will force me to read, and as you may have guessed, I'm Unread. Also, I'm a little lazy, definitely not because I'm Sudanese it's just MY trait, and so i wont be proof reading or editing.

Edit: I decided to edit, this blog thing is working...


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. nice pic..... keep it up


  3. thats it? theres no more to this blog?

  4. Nice man, keep on writing. Blogs are a great way to vent ;)
